Chemical and Radiological Threat Simulation

Argon PlumeSIM integrates with SB Pro for CBRN training cases

CBRN hazards cannot be properly simulated in Steel Beasts Pro tactical training scenarios – at least not standalone. By incorporating our partner Argon Electronic‘s PlumeSIM into a classroom environment, footprints of contaminant concentrations can be injected into a Steel Beasts tactical combat scenario as another tactical factor of consideration.

Argon took advantage of the SBClient API feature set for third party developers. Steel Beasts provides meteorological data as an important variable for PlumeSIM. The operator controller may then plant a contamination hazard in PlumeSIM, which calculates the resulting concentrations of harmful substances as graphical map footprints. The footprints are then fed back into Steel Beasts:

The threat footprint, displayed in the Steel Beasts map screen

This demonstrator opens the door to further capability improvements, such as virtual hazard detectors signaling the threat in the virtual world, or NBC reconnaissance units training to reconnoiter the hazard area while still having to deal with conventional threats in the vicinity.

It could allow to track current and cumulative exposure to players and software agents within the virtual world, with suitable damages applied.


“This was an interesting project and once again demonstrated the flexibility of PlumeSIM and our ability to cooperate with third party vendors to provide customers with an effective training capability. This integration will enable further CBRN / HazMat training capabilities to be developed for Steel beasts in both the virtual reality and by interfacing physical argon simulator and augmented reality environment” 

(Steven Pike, founder of Argon).


”eSim Games is excited to see this expansion of functionality. We have always been interested in cooperation with industry partners, and this looks like a perfect example where both partners and our customers will gain a lot through cooperation. The market is eager for a quality solution at an affordable price tag which exposes combat troops in their scenarios to incidents involving chemical and radiological threats. We have just demonstrated that we are ready to deliver such a solution.”

(Nils Hinrichsen, Director of eSim Games)